


Why Do I Need a Will?

The Vast majority of people put off making a will for a variety of reasons, either believing that the people they would wish to inherit will automatically do so, or because they don’t think it is relevant to them at this particular time.

The reality is that you can put off making a will until it’s too late and this poses problems for the people left behind and could mean that some or all of your inheritance either goes to the wrong person or to the state.

Who Needs a Will?

The answer is everyone! In particular, anyone with dependent relatives and anyone who owns property or assets that a friend or relative could benefit from.

What Services Do We Provide?

We provide expertise in Will Writing, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Estate Planning. Contact our specialist team to help you plan your will and estate.
We are your local Right Will advisor. Please Get In Touch to discuss your will. It just starts with a simple conversation!

Why Would I need a trust?

Your Circle Finance advisor will be able to explain to you how taking the simple step of putting your policy  into a Trust could make sense for you and your family. A trust is a legal arrangement that ensures that the payout from a policy  goes to whoever you choose to receive it.

At Circle Finance our experienced and skilled Protection advisors can assess your situation and provide you with a tailored and appropriate protection solution. Get in touch today for a friendly chat.

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