Do You Need Private Healthcare?

Do You Need Private Healthcare?

Most UK residents are entitled to free healthcare from the NHS. But many people also take out private medical insurance, which covers the costs of being treated by private healthcare providers. Find out how taking out private health insurance works, when it might be suitable, get in touch with our team to talk you through it

What it does

Private medical insurance means that you can get access to diagnosis and treatment faster and therefore are more likely to recover quicker. Policies cover the costs of private medical care including seeing consultants and specialists, treatment, surgery, private hospital accommodation, and nursing costs.

How it works

You will need to decide what level of cover you want for yourself and your family, as this will determine what your premiums will cost. You can choose the level of excess, that’s the amount of any claim you are happy to pay yourself. Paying a higher excess will generally bring the cost of premiums down.

What you need to know

There are conditions that insurers won’t pay out for, including cosmetic surgery and alcohol or drug-related illnesses. You may find illnesses that you’ve suffered from in the past are excluded from cover as they are deemed to be ‘pre-existing conditions’.

The above is a snippet of what Private Medical Insurance is and what it can do for you. Get in touch with our team to discuss your requirements for private healthcare.

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